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Southern Pearls Chapter History

Organizer Lady Crystal Pittman contacted Regina Sandilands and Christa Dotson Dean to charter a South Miami - Dade Chapter of Top Ladies and Distinction. Although this discussion began in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the three of them understood the benefit and communities need. Lady Regina Sandilands and Lady Christa Dotson Dean began to pull names together of women who would be able to make a positive impact in the lives of the youth and adults in the area. Due to the pandemic, all orientations and meetings were held via Zoom including the beautification project, March of Dimes baby shower. The chapter hosted one in-person community service project chaired by Lady LaKisha Richardson Jones, Lady Carmen Jones-Carey and Cinnamon Key (who passed away during the process). During this socially distanced project, over 160 purses were filled with more than 20 toiletries and essential items that were donated to the Pain 2 Purpose organization. Their mission is to assist and serve women who are affected by Domestic Violence.

The chapter also launched it’s inaugural support of Lady Sybrina Fulton’s Circle of Mothers initiative. The chapter donated over 500 toiletry items and candles to provide comfort to the mothers affected by the death of a child or family member due to gun violence. 

The final chapter chartering project included raising funds in support of the March of Dimes. At the time of chartering the Southern Pearls Miami-Dade Chapter raised over $3,100.

These Ladies had a historic journey to become Top Ladies of Distinction including the final orientation attended by 14th National President Lady Sharon Beard, National 1st Vice President Lady Eddie Lee Marsh, National Area IV Director Lady Adrienne Boner and Immediate Past National Area IV Director and Organizer Lady Crystal Pittman.

On Saturday, May 15th, fifty-six dynamic, energetic and creative women were inducted as charter members of the Southern Pearls Miami-Dade Chapter. 

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